Our Customers
Empowering teams to accomplish great things

Clean Buildings Portal
The Clean Buildings Portal is a custom web application designed to assist building owners in complying with the Clean Buildings law (HB 1357). Building owners that are required to comply with the law can use the portal to verify building information and can use a Secure Access Washington (SAW) account to view and verify parcel/building information, manage roles and authorize users to work on their profile, submit applications and compliance forms, track compliance requirements, and check on the status of applications.
The portal is also designed to assist internal Clean Buildings staff in tracking the status of applications/buildings through customized workflows. These workflows guide the users through the review of applications from building owners and help them in maintaining compliance with the Clean Buildings law.
Technologies include Angular, Bootstrap, SQL Server, T-SQL, C#, Visual Studio, Secure Access Washington (SAW)
Commerce Enterprise Data Warehouse
The vision for the data warehouse was to architect an enterprise solution for extracting, transforming, loading, and visualizing critical program data agency wide. The new architecture established a standard pattern for making disparate program data continually available to the Commerce enterprise, key stakeholders, and the Washington State public. This previously required a series of labor-intensive processes involving a wide range of differing systems and technology. Now key data, aggregated metrics and geospatial data are readily available in the central warehouse from key enterprise systems including CMS (Contract Management System), HCMS (House Contract Management System), LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program). This also established an efficient pattern for onboarding new enterprise systems into the data warehouse ecosystem. Data is made available in a variety of formats including visualization/analytical tools, GIS mapping, tabular extracts, and aggregated reports.
Technologies include SQL Server, T-SQL, SSIS, SSRS, VS.NET, .Net Core 5+ Angular, ESRI, Tableau
Contract Management System (CMS)
Landlord Mitigation Database (LMD)
LMD is a custom web application created to track application requirements and status of applications submitted through the Landlord Damage Relief Program. It has an external facing portal where landlords needing to file a claim for financial relief or reimbursement can do so using a Secure Access Washington login and a valid Statewide Vender ID Number (SWV Number). Landlords can file claims, upload required information, track the status of their application, and check the validity of their SWV Number.
Internal staff use LMD to track the status of submitted applications using customized workflows. The workflows guide application review, approval, denial, requests for additional information, A-19 batching, payment approval, and notifications to the landlord and tenant of the status of their application.
Technologies Angular, Bootstrap, SQL Server, T-SQL, C#, Visual Studio, Secure Access Washington (SAW)
Lead Based Paint (LBP), Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP)

Contract Management System (CMS)

Salmon Recovery Portal (SRP)
SRP is a custom web application used by Lead Entity staff to prioritize and manage projects that facilitate salmon recovery in the State of Washington. The application has been integrated into the PRISM database to consolidate redundant data to improve accuracy and reliability of project information. Lead Entity staff can relate projects to an “umbrella” project to view high-level progress of goals and funding and timelines. Project worksites, properties, and activity locations are visually represented and maintained using maps integrated into the application. Staff can analyze project data using customized reports and exports.

Financial Management Reporting (FMR)